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Our collection of important literature and links is constantly being expanded and updated.


Money Market Funds in uncertain times

2021, English

Autor: Calastone

Investors demand digitalisation and resilience (white paper von Calastone), London, January 2021

Managing fund liquidity risk in Europe

2020, English

Autor: EFAMA

Recent regulatory enhancements & proposals for further improvements.

Commentaires du marché

2020, French

Autor: Swiss Fund Data

Statistique sur le marché des fonds, mars 2020.

European MMFs in the Covid-19 market turmoil

2020, English

Autor: EFAMA

Evidence, experience and tentative considerations around eventual future reforms, engl. / Brüssel, November 2020

Fondsdomizile im Vergleich

2020, German

Autor: B2B

Wie positioniert sich die Schweiz, Liechtenstein und Luxemburg, wo liegen die Stärken, mit welchen Innovationen?

PEPP outcome – final text at glance

2019, English

Autor: EFAMA

EFAMA response to the ESMA Consultation Paper on integrating sustainability risks and factors in the UCITS Directive and AIFMD

2019, English

Autor: EFAMA

Pictet Performance Studie 2017 (schw. Aktien und Obligationen)

2018, German

Autor: Pictet Asset Management

AMIC/EFAMA report on liquidity stress tests in investment funds 2019

2019, English


The purpose of this paper is to highlight the role of stress testsin investment funds,and,to contributeto the more general international debate on how investment fundscanefficiently manage risksstemming from their activities in capital markets.

PRIVATE LABEL FUNDS – Möglichkeiten und Herausforderungen (2)

2018, German

Autor: 2018 B2B 64 Panel Labeling

Neues Finanzmarktrecht Schweiz (2) – wie FIDLEG und FINIG das gute alte KAG verändern

2018, German

Autor: B2B 65

CMU: Distribution systems of retail investment products across the European Union

2018, English

Autor: EU Commission

This Plan aims at mobilising circa 315 billion EUR in three years (2015-2017) to support and create investment in the real economy.2 To help create an investment friendly environment within the European Union, the Plan targets progress towards the Digital Single Market, the Energy Union and the Capital Markets Union.

Neues Finanzmarktrecht (3) – bald viel komplexer, umfassender und internationaler

2018, German

Autor: B2B 67

Auswirkungen von FIDLEG FINIG auf unabh. Vermögensverwalter (Sept. 2018)

2018, English

Autor: Kellerhals Carrard

FIDLEG FINIG – Auswirkungern auf kollektive Kapitalanlagen (Okt. 2018)

2018, German

Autor: Kellerhals Carrard

FIDLEG FINIG – Anforderungen an Finanzintermediäre

2018, German

Autor: PwC Legal Zürich

Funds Distribution under FinSA / FinIA: A change of paradigme (Cap/Law 5/2018)

2018, English

Autor: Dr. D. Imbach (SFAMA) / Dr. F. Rayroux (Lenz&Staehelin)

EFAMA’s comments on the European Commission’s Proposal for a Regulation on the establishment of a framework to facilitate sustainable investment

2018, English

Autor: EFAMA

AMIC EFAMA on liquidity stress tests

2018, English

Autor: EFAMA

FSB on Asset Management and Sructural Vulnerabilities

2018, English

Autor: FSB

Unterschied zwischen Steuern und anderen öffentlichen Abgaben

2018, German

Autor: ESTV

Die geltenden Steuern von Bund, Kantonen und Gemeinden

2018, German

Autor: ESTV