FUND Basics für Einsteiger in die Fondswelt am 24.2.25 in Zürich.

Deepen your knowledge in 3 days with the Know the FUNDamentals from 4.3.25 in Dublin and from 10.3.25 in Luxembourg.

12 Tage Swiss Fund Officer für Fondsprofis ab 20.3.25 in Zürich.

Approfondissement des connaissances en 3 jours avec Know the FUNDamentals à partir du 24.3.25 à Genève.

Fund Trends – Industry Developments and Perspectives

Collective investment schemes appear to be stable, reliable and not subject to any rapid trends. But they are also affected by sometimes far-reaching developments on the regulatory and increasingly also on the technical level.

With our Fund Trends courses, we take up current trends in the industry and give participants an introduction to the “hot” topics and a knowledge edge for their everyday professional life.Current focus areas are ESG and the regulatory impact as well as digitalization and tokenization and – still topical – the impact of FIDLEG/FINIG/KAG on everyday life.

Experienced experts from the field share their knowledge and experience in the respective areas of expertise.

Digitization / tokenization and ESG

During an exciting training day, we will guide participants through two of the most important developments in the industry: digitalization/tokenization and ESG.

Experiences and examples from top experts in the field will give participants valuable insights into what is already common practice and the upcoming consequences for all parts of the collective investment value chain.

Ateliers Pratiques

Half-day events geared to the everyday needs of the industry (Geneva only).
Experts discuss and debate with participants highly topical issues relating to compliance, regulation and administration of collective investment schemes.

The half-days are held approximately every two months.